barbara bush

美 [ˈbɑrbərə bʊʃ]英 [ˈbɑːb(ə)rə bʊʃ]
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barbara bushbarbara bush
  1. George and Barbara Bush lost their second child , four-year-old Robin Bush , to leukaemia almost 60 years ago .


  2. Former First Lady Barbara Bush has been discharged from a Texas hospital .


  3. And former First Lady Barbara Bush will be moved out of intensive care today , so good news there .


  4. " She 's been working so hard ," says her mother-in-law and another of her model First Ladies , Barbara Bush .


  5. Jenna and Barbara Bush both face misdemeanor charges .


  6. " When are you going to stop buying that expensive stuff ," complained the husband ," and let your hair go gray like Barbara Bush ?"


  7. Commercials starring celebrities , athletes , politicians , even Barbara Bush , daughter of George W. , pushed for passage of the bill .


  8. Hillary Clinton won in1992 and in1996 with the same recipe for chocolate chip cookies , whipping the competition from Barbara Bush and then Elizabeth Dole .


  9. Barbara Bush 's purse was snatched at a Buenos Aires restaurant during a night on the town , but the Secret Service agents did not notice , ABC said , citing police sources .


  10. Former First Lady Barbara Pierce Bush has been hospitalized in Huston for a respiratory infection .
